Lately I’ve been experiencing a little more, and doing a little less.
After being abroad for a few months, I’ve been staying in the same place for almost 6 weeks now. A home away from home. And gosh this place is magical.
I try to remind myself how we all need moments to refuel. To integrate. To stand still and to look around, instead of only focusing on where we are going. To remind myself to start each and every day with new eyes. To remember that we are human beings instead of human doings. To remember we all respond differently to situations, and that that’s ok. To remember to not take things too personal. To remember to smile. To remember to relax your forehead.
And to remember that it is not always about the outcome, or about the form we are working toward. Maybe it is just about the experience, about how we respond rather than what is happening externally.
Sometimes all we have to do is just step out of the way, let go of that resistance and enjoy the ride. (and the view, because wow…)
(Ah, sí, y recordar que aprender español lleva tiempo 🤪)